NaNoWriMo Reflection #1

This year, I decided to take the plunge and try NaNoWriMo. I have been thinking about doing it for years and I finally felt like I had an idea that maybe I could write about. And even though I’m only a week in, I feel like I have already learned so much from this experience. So here are a few of my thoughts after completing day 7.

1.) Goals are helpful.

The overall goal of NaNoWriMo is to write a 50,000 word novel during the 30 days of November. To complete this, a writer has to write an average of 1,667 words each day. Having a goal to work towards really helps me feel less overwhelmed by the total. Thinking things like “I’m 10% of the way through” or “Or I’ve written over 10,000 words already” gives me a sense of progress.

2.) Don’t give yourself a hard time if you don’t reach the goal each day.

Several days ago, I only wrote a few hundred words. The following day, I wrote almost 3,000. There is an ebb and flow to writing. Sometimes you are exhausted and the story seems to stall in your brain. Other days, you could probably keep writing but decide that you need a break. Both are ok. You are still making progress.

3.) World building is HARD.

Okay. I know that this is said often, but it really is tough to keep track of all of the details involved with world building. Sometimes I feel like I need a separate document to track key timeline events or to build out my character further. But some part of me is afraid to get too attached to specifics, which leads me to…

4.) It’s okay to not know every detail up front.

One of the reasons I have never tried writing a full novel before is that I only had a vague idea of a story. The same is true now, but in some ways it is freeing. It almost feels like I am discovering the story along with the character. There are details that I never planned to include that just suddenly make sense as I’m writing. Sometimes I will start writing and end up heading in a completely different direction than I had initially planned. Which I think is half the fun.

5.) I am a writer.

I have defined myself for years as a math or science person. Even as a student, I enjoyed writing, but typically didn’t describe myself that way. But suddenly, I am more excited about writing than I have been in years. I’m so curious to see where this journey ends up taking me.

Still I am learning…


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