Word of the year

While bouncing around Twitter in between books this Winter Break, I noticed a lot of “Word of the Year” posts. So naturally I started thinking about how I would sum up my own year. And how could I possibly condense those experiences into a single word?

I had tried so many new things. I attended my very first ISTE conference in Chicago. I started using Twitter and participated in my first Twitter chats. I committed to reading 40+ books this school year (I’m on my 24th at the moment). I even started this blog.

I had also decided to try some new approaches in my classroom. I started the year with activities designed to help me get to know my students better and to get to know each other. I used the 100 number task to show them what collaboration could look like. I changed how I asked questions and how I taught them to ask questions.

And then there were the reflections. Reflecting on learning has become an expectation in my classroom. From daily summaries of previous topics (both written and verbal) to weekly reflections that they are asked to discuss with their families. Plus a complete overhaul of portfolios. These were moved online and students now reflect on their growth after every assessment.  My own obsession with sketchnoting led me to introduce it as a reflective note taking strategy.

The experience of turning 30 was also an interesting one. I somehow finally felt open to the idea that I could and should be myself. That being a little silly and weird is okay. That my enthusiasm was asset to be brought into my classroom. That I could wear my nerd badge proudly. And somehow it was easier to connect with students when I was my authentic self.

So here I was in search of a word. A word that could capture all this and more. And my word snuck up on me though the lens of my camera.

I love to walk around and take pictures. Watching how the landscape around me changes with little nuances of light. Noticing the small details that surround me that I miss when I’m plugged in to my headphones. Yesterday I was walking home from some errands and happened to look out over the wetlands near my home. Despite the recent storms or the ducks and geese which frequented the area, the surface of the water was like a mirror, perfectly reflecting the sky.

That’s when it struck me. The one word that captured my year. The one word that summed up all my new work. And it was in front of me the whole time.


2018 has been an adventure and I can hardly wait to see what 2019 holds.

Ancora imparo,


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