Entering the Twitterverse…

So this year has been full of trying new things. One of those has been joining Twitter. Okay…using Twitter effectively. I had a personal account when I was younger, but I never really used it. Fast forward to last summer during the ISTE conference when I started hearing people talk about using Twitter. So I created a new account that I could use to reach out to these people and groups I was learning about. Thus @MsC_loves_math was born. I wanted a handle that reflected my work. And I started seeking out some of the edu-celebrities I was reading about or hearing from.

Then I tumbled down the rabbit hole. One person would start tweeting about another or mentioning a book. Sharing a resource or posting a video. And I started realizing that I could use retweets to curate ideas for future lessons. And tweeted at the people who had shared them once I did to share about the awesome experience. I reached out to authors as I read their books or to highlight cool ideas (Yay #BookSnaps!). It even led me to my first virtual conventions.

Then this week, I participated in my very first Twitter Chat, with #OregonMathChat . The focus was on mathematical discourse, which is a topic that I am focusing on improving in my own practice. I got to read about how others saw discourse and its role in the math classroom, how to support it, and hear what others were trying. Enough of sitting on the side of the pool, I dove in! Now I can’t wait to find more Twitter chats.

So now I’m wondering what more I can do with this resource. How can I bring this into my classroom and make my learning more transparent with students? Can I use it to make meaningful connections to support my students’ interests? What ideas have I not even stumbled on yet?

Still I am learning…

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